
关于做好温州大学2018级本科国际学生转专业工作的通知 Notice on 2018 International Undergraduates’ Professional Transfer of Wenzhou University

作者: 来源: 时间:2019-01-18 阅读次数:


 Notice on 2018 International Undergraduates’ Professional Transfer   of Wenzhou University


To all the 2018 international undergraduates’ from all colleges,


 According to the measures for the implementation of “International Undergraduates’ professional transfer Practice of Wenzhou University(Trial)”(Annex 1),The professional transfer of 2018 undergraduate international students’ in our school has begun, relevant issues are discussed as follows:  


I. Objects, scope and principles


1. The applicant must be four-year undergraduate international student recruited in 2018 with the following ones excluded: Students who apply for suspension from the second semester and return to the first semester of the next grade in advance; students with Chinese government scholarship.


 2. Students majoring in arts, science, and engineering can all be transferred.


II. Professional transfer arrangements


1. Please refer to appendix 2 for the details of the professional capacity, application conditions and assessment of the 2018 international undergraduates of Wenzhou University.


2. Students who need to transfer will be required to go to the Student Affairs Hall of the Department of International Student Education and Management for preliminary qualification examination, and those who have passed should fill in the form of international students’ professional transfer before February 24-25, 2019,.


3. On February 26-28, 2019, the summary form of international students’ applications for professional transfer will be announced by the Department of International Student Education and Management, which will be required for verification by the students, transferred-out college and transferred-in college.


4. The majors to be assessed shall be done before the second week of the second semester of the 2018-2019 (March 8, 2019); the assessment results by the transferred-in college should be reported to the Academic Affairs Office for review, and the summary of the preliminary review for international students’ professional transfer should be announced before March 11, 2019.


5.  Students who are listed in the summary form of the preliminary review of the major change and are waiting for a change can go through the following procedures of follow-up audition and leave from March 11th to March 15th, 2019.


6. If a student intends to change his/her major after the audition, because he/she is not suitable for the major, he/she can apply for revocation of his/her change in the Academic Affairs Office on March 15,2019. The name of the students to be transferred will be confirmed by the academic affairs office and announced around March 20,2019. Students who have objections to the list of students who want to change their majors may submit their objections to the college or the academic affairs office during the announcement period.





1. Except for special provisions of the school, students are only allowed to transfer major once during the study period, therefore, please take the transferred-in major carefully; after the professional transfer list is confirmed and documented, it may not be transferred or changed. For details, please refer to the document.


2. The notice of professional transfer applications should be informed to all the 2018 international undergraduates from all colleges, and the related various procedures should be completed within the specified time. (The above schedule may change due to the progress of the assessment of each college, please be sure to pay attention to the latest notice in time!)

 联系人: 许老师(86597332675656),联系地点:北校3号楼118办公室

Contact: Miss Kelly(86597332, 675656), Location: Office 118, Building 3, North Campus





International Student Education and Management Department of Wenzhou University

January 18, 2019



上一篇:温州大学国际学生校外住宿信息核对通知【Notice on Off-Campus Address Verification for WZU International Students】

