
Registration for HSK4、HSK5、HSKK Test on May 21st 2016 at Wenzhou University

作者:郑婷 来源: 时间:2016-03-18 阅读次数:

The new HSK test was launched by Hanban in an effort to better serve Chinese language learners. The test is the result of coordinated efforts by the experts from different disciplines including Chinese language teaching, linguistics, psychology and educational measurement. The new exam combines the advantages of the original HSK while taking into consideration the recent trends in Chinese language training by conducting surveys and making use of the latest findings in international language testing.

Examination Date:21st. May 2016

Registration Date:18th.March2016---22nd.April2016


1)Registration fee must be paid on line form before 22th April.2016.

2)After successful online registration, you will see the following page

3)please click”pay on line”

4) After the successful payment, please send the screenshots of bank transfer record to email:wzuhsk2016@sina.com; and mark your name in the mail. We will modify your payment status.

5) No refund will be provided when test fee is paid.

6)After the successful registration and payment, the test taker can receive the confirmation information around 15 days prior to the test date, and may log on the registration website to print the test admission ticket, or take the test admission ticket at the exam outlet where he/she gets registered.

Wenzhou University HSK Test Centre

Address: Wenzhou University,Nonth Campus, Building 3, Room 316

Contact: Ms.Li,0577-86597380

Contact Email:wzuhsk2016@sina.com

College of International Cooperation



